Gordona - Cama

Gordona - Cama

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Gordona – 281 m
  • Arrival: Cama (CH) – 361 m
  • Total Length: 24,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Very Hard
  • Travel times: 13h
  • Suggested time: From Easter to October, unless there is snow in the upper part of the path

Departing from Gordona:
The attack of the path is in the upper part of the village of Gordona: go uphill along via degli Emigranti and, where it becomes via Cimavilla, turn left into via Crotti di Sopra. In a short time you will come across a car park with a small chapel next to which the actual route starts. Alternatively, to reduce the hours of walking, it is possible to enter Val Bodengo by car (transit fee, pass at the Bar San Martino) to the village of Bodengo on an asphalt road or to the end of the road (dirt road) near Corte Terza (1,190 m) where there is a parking area. The paved mule-track enters the wood and, first uphill and then with a step-by-step section, allows you to gain the panoramic balcony by coming out right in front of the Crotto Dunadiv (737 m). Ignore the continuation of the mule track and turn left following the asphalt road for a stretch until you reach a sharp bend to the right where there are also signs for canyoning; here bend left again taking a paved mule track that takes you downhill to the charming stone bridge, just beyond the gorge formed by the Boggia torrent. From this point you gradually climb up again, passing the huts of Bedolina to arrive in the shade of the woods on the paved road in Pra Prince (917 m). Turn left without leaving the road that will lead you with some bends to the houses of Bodengo (1,030 m) with its beautiful crotti (visible on the opposite side), where the valley begins to open up. When you get to the ford on the stream, leave the asphalt and keep to the right, opting for the path that goes uphill and turns immediately to the left, entering the wood to continue along the coast, just above the stream. Before the huts of Corte Terza (1,190 m) you leave the trees and walk through the meadows reaching the mountain pasture; on the opposite bank there is a car park where the road that can be covered by car ends. Proceed along the mule track with gravelly ground that climbs the valley on a moderate slope, reaching Corte Seconda at 1,389 m and, beyond a wooden gate, the pasture of Corte Prima (1,540 m). The track becomes a path and begins to climb steeply, gaining the first grassy step through high pastures and areas with large boulders that open the scenery to the rocky part of high altitude. The path is always well marked with a red-white marker but you have to be careful and look for it continuously among the stones in order not to lose the track. Going up you will find a detour on the right (arrow and written on a stone) that leads, almost at high altitude, to Alpe del Notaro (1,882 m), where there is the new, self-managed Notaro Refuge, where you can stop for the night (for info: +39 329 0857655 Marco). Continue uphill westwards until you reach the rocky carving of the Bocchetta del Notar at an altitude of 2,098 metres between Piz d’Uria and Sasso Bodengo; from here you overlook the Val Cama.
Departure from Cama:
The village of Cama can be reached by driving along the fondavalle from Roveredo towards San Bernardino; just between the houses, turn right downhill, cross the Moesa and the motorway towards the hamlet of Ogreda (where you can leave your car in a large tree-lined car park). The path immediately enters a thick wood of beech and chestnut trees and proceeds in a marked slope with a narrow series of hairpin bends to a small chapel from which you continue on a steep slope along a stepped section. You reach the farmsteads of Provesc (800 m), where the valley flattens out and softens; the path runs on the orographic right for a long stretch parallel to the stream in a wild environment between the narrow slopes of the valley. On the right you can admire the Fregia Fountain Waterfall and, further on, you pass two huge boulders that seem to block the passage. Pass Promegn and climb up through the trees to the grassy clearing with the huts of the Alp di Besarden at 1,036 metres above sea level. You return to the forest until you come out, almost suddenly, in the hollow that houses Lake Cama (1,265 m) protected upstream by imposing rocky ramparts. Around the basin it is possible to have lunch or spend the night in one of the present structures. Go along the lake shores to the east, on the left of the Miralago Refuge, go past Alp de Lumegn and go uphill again taking the Valon gully on the left of the head of the valley. The route requires more attention and experience; it crosses the detrital expanses at the foot of the Campanile lace and faces, after crossing a stream, a steep equipped section (nicknamed Scala Santa). It crosses a stony slope and bends to the left pointing to the pass.


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