Gordona - Soazza

Gordona - Soazza

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Gordona – 281 m
  • Arrival: Soazza (CH) – 614 m
  • Total Length: 20,3 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Very Hard
  • Travel times: 10-12h
  • Suggested time: From Easter to October, unless there is snow in the upper part of the path

Departing from Gordona:
From the village you can reach the hamlet of Coloredo by car, going up the numerous hairpin bends that lead to the huts of Voga at an altitude of around 1000 meters. The path can also be covered on foot from Coloredo along a track that follows the road at some point and cuts through the woods. As in the other cases, we suggest to start from the bottom only if you are planning a trek that includes several days of walking and the connection to the paths at the bottom of the valley. The path to follow is the D4, distinguished by red and white signs and flag signs. From the small car park in Voga (1,057 m), go up to the upper hairpin bend and take the track that goes up into the woods, coming out higher where it crosses the road again in the section where transit is allowed only with a permit. Continue through woods and meadows until you reach the huts of Dàrdano (1,334 m), which occupy a grassy hollow surrounded by trees; near the first huts and a fountain, the path bends to the right and returns to the woods, gaining altitude, and then goes to the coast and exits at the foot of the hillock that houses the stone houses of Alpe Buglio (1,544 m). You will find yourself on a fantastic panoramic balcony with a view that sweeps over the entire Piano di Chiavenna; a spring and a large boulder with a table are perfect for a break even if there is still a lot of walking to do. The path leaves the lawn and returns among the trees but the slope is mild. The valley narrows and the trail approaches the opposite side in view of Alpe Forcola. Looking up, you will see the pass in front of you but don’t be fooled: even if it seems close, the stretch that awaits you still requires at least one hour of ascent to overcome the remaining 400 meters of difference in altitude and the slope returns to be felt. Continue on the path always well marked ignoring the deviation to the left (along a small bridge) in an increasingly bare and stony environment until you reach Passo della Forcola (2,227 m). Here you can finally look out over the opposite side and admire the panorama of the Swiss peaks.

Departure from Soazza:
The Forcola Pass can also be reached from the Mesolcina Valley and is connected to the Valley Trail just before the village of Soazza. From here you go up along the orographic right bank lapping the stables in the countryside of Druna just over 600 meters above sea level and, just above, you enter a narrow gorge walking under imposing walls in a stretch carved into the rock. Then you cross the torrent and go to the opposite side, which you will follow until you reach your destination. You climb up among the trees with numerous zig-zags that help to overcome the slope and then face a long traverse that leads to the most open and green part of the valley where among the meadows there are the huts of Alpe Crasteira (1,419 m); among the stone buildings there is also a tiny emergency refuge always open and the arrival of the cableway used in the past. You continue on a moderate slope until you pass the steps that host the Alpe di Quarnei at an altitude of 1,753 meters where there is a stable and a small emergency shelter with a fireplace. Leave the last trees behind and walk towards the wide high-altitude pastures of Paligneira until you reach the detritus basin that leads to the pass with one last tear.


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