Leg 01 - Como - Schignano

Leg 01 - Como - Schignano

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Como – 200 m
  • Arrival: Schignano – 836 m
  • Total Length: 19,1 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Travel times: 7h 30m
  • Suggested time: From March to November; in other time of the year unless there is snow and ice on the path.

Elevation gain: 1.425 m
Elevation loss: 755 m

You set off from Como in Piazza Cavour and follow Lungolago Mafalda di Savoia heading towards Villa Olmo (205 m; 1.8 km) and after walking past it, you keep on Via per Cernobbio.
In Cernobbio in Piazza Mazzini you turn left on Via Volta and, at the roundabout, you follow the signs to Rovenna and Mount Bisbino. At the end of the road, you turn right and then left on the pedestrian path that leads to the church of San Nicola (315 m; 5.3 km) in the community of Casnedo. From there you turn right and then left, you climb up the steps, cross the street and continue on Via Monte Grappa until you reach a small bridge with the trail marker. You walk on a cobblestone path that once again crosses the road. Then you leave behind Stomaino’s houses and take the main road to Mount Bisbino and the church of San Michele (451 m; 6.6 km) on the left. Further on you take Via Montesanto on the left; you cross the road and reach the community of Rovenna. After a small stretch on asphalt, a sign on the left points us to the uphill path to Mount Bisbino, Mount Modrona and Mount Scarone; here you take Via Segantini on the right and proceed to the cobblestone mule track that climbs to Mount Scarone (644,5 m; 7.5 km) and, afterwards, to the mountain cabins of Mount Modrona (883 m; 8.9 km). From there you follow the main road until you reach the second bend, where you take the mule track on the left to Mount Bisbino. After a steep stretch, you reach Alp Piella’s houses and a fork: you take the path on the right, heading to Cà Bossi, you walk past the building and reach the three-way split in the village of Foppa, where you take the gently sloping cart-way in the middle (do not follow the arrows that lead to Bugone hut). You walk through the woods until you reach the peak Colmine del Bugone (1109 m; 12.4 km) and, still on the cart-way, you continue along the high side; you pass Colma del Crinco (1152 m; 14.6 km) and reach the plains of Colma dei Murelli. After the hut bearing the same name, the mule track climbs up and then runs down a long slope that leads past the Alp of Carate and Binate Hut (1166 m; 17.1 km; currently closed) and reaches Colma di Binate (1107 m; 17.9 km), where it turns into a trail. You finish this leg by hiking down on the mule track on the right
that takes us to Schignano.



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