Leg 02 - Schignano - San Fedele d'Intelvi

Leg 02 - Schignano - San Fedele d'Intelvi

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Schignano – 836 m
  • Arrival: S. Fedele d’Intelvi – 737 m
  • Total Length: 19,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Travel times: 6h 30m
  • Suggested time: From March to November; in other time of the year unless there is snow and ice on the path.

Elevation gain: 1.104 m
Elevation loss: 1.199 m

From Schignano you climb to Colma di Binate (1107 m; 1.5 km) where you follow the path on the right to nearby Colma Crocetta (1105 m; 2 km).
The track goes around the northern side of Sasso Gordona along a former military road, brings you to Intelvi valley and reaches Prabello hut (1167 m; 3.8 km). From there, you walk back for a short stretch until you reach a path on the left that descends steeply, cuts across the meadows beneath, and the woods, finally reaching the Alp of Cerano (also known as Pian delle Alpi; 968 m; 5.8 km). Once you are out of the woods, you hike across the meadow and, once you reach the asphalt road, you turn right, walk past a picnic area and take the mule track on the left to Erbonne. You climb up in the woods and, when you find a fork with a signpost, you leave the mule track and hike to the right towards the grassy plains of Ermogna (1075 m; 7.4 km). You walk on following a cart-way, which gently climbs and descends, pass by a few rural buildings and reach a group of small houses above Casasco (1022 m; 10 km); here you follow the signs and climb to the left, along a track that merges into the asphalt road, and again to the left, climbing to Bruno hut (1150 m; 11.2 km). Behind the building, you follow the flat trail that heads to the right and crosses the meadows of Mount Crocione. As you leave behind the ski lift, the path merges with the mule-track and goes into the woods; at the fork you head left and reach the pass bocca d’Orimento and the Cabin (1278 m; 13.3 km) with the same name. From the pass, you climb down following the main road for a long stretch (some shortcuts may be signalled) and, after two artificial ponds used to give water to livestock, you continue until the picnic area of Alpe Grande (1050 m; 17.1 km). At the fork you take the asphalt road that climbs down to San Fedele d’Intelvi and, at the first bend (Meriggio), you find the signpost that points to the cart-way to San Fedele, to the left. The grassy path cuts through woods and grazing land and takes us to San Fedele di Intelvi.



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