Leg 05 - from Bellano to Varenna

Leg 05 - from Bellano to Varenna

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Bellano, chiesa di San Rocco – 233 m
  • Arrival: Varenna, Vezio – 358 m
  • Total Length: 4,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Travel times: 1h 40m
  • Suggested time: All year round, unless there is snow at low altitude

Elevation gain: 371 m
Elevation loss: 247 m

From the church of San Rocco we take the nearby bridge over the Pioverna stream and cross the provincial road following the path to the solitary chapel of the Madonna Addolorata. We climb up to the Biosio valley and follow the path that proceeds in ups and downs for a short distance, and then gradually becomes steeper until we reach the bridge over the Valle Masna stream. Alternating stretches of mule track with asphalted stretches, with continuous ups and downs, we reach Regolo in front of the church of San Giovanni Battista. We then follow via per Campallo to go down to Vezio.



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